HELP: Guidebook - Add/edit a Waypoint

Activités :
Catégories : info site
Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)

Waypoints are important documents, they make it possible to centralize information common to several other documents, avoiding having to repeat it each time. For example, information about the Refuge des Écrins is all present in the same place, and the hut is associated with all the routes accessible from the hut. It is enough to modify the document to change for example the telephone number.

Before adding to the guidebook, it is important to check that the information does not exist in the database. To do this, in Topoguide >> Select waypoints, then, using the map, zoom in on the place where you want to add the object >> Select "Filter on map extent" and make sure that the object to be created does not already exist in the list (sometimes of several pages) on the left.

If the object does not exist, you can create it:
Once identified, click the green Add tab >> Add a waypoint.
For each field, contextual help is available just next to the title of the field, or on the toolbar.

Any identified contributor can edit the description of an existing collaborative document. To do this, on the document you want to edit, click on the "Edit" tab you'll find on the page.

Georeference a document and view it on the map

For a document to be georeferenced (and therefore appear on the map, or be assigned to a region), you must enter its latitude and longitude, in decimal or sexadecimal degrees. Coordinates are entered automatically by clicking on the map, or by dragging the icon on the map.
The decimal point separator is a point and not a comma. Longitudes W and latitudes S are counted negatively.