Sophie's Photo Contest 2022

Activités :
Catégories : tags, association
Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)

The photo contest is organized in memory of Sophie Gratalon, who represents both all the friends who died in the mountains and all those who keep Camptocamp alive (see also Tribute to the deceased contributors).

The Sophie's Photo Contests 2009-2021 were great moments of sharing on the website. For this 14th edition, the time has come to perpetuate them. After all the adventures, trips, big routes, and holidays of the summer and before the skis claim all your attention, it is the right time to review your photos, choose your masterpieces and share them with the community.

Link to the competition photo gallery

Who can participate?

All members of the website -except the members of the jury-. In order to submit photos to the competition, you will need to be logged in to the site with your account. If you do not have an account, you can create one here.

What are the rules?

Send us your best mountain photos. They must be mountain shots and/or related to the activities covered by Camptocamp: mountaineering, hiking, skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing, rock, snow, ice or mixed climbing, paragliding, slackline, mountain biking...

Each participant can submit a maximum of 3 photos in all categories. However, only one photo per participant may be retained by the jury for the final selection submitted to the vote of the contributors.

The participants associating the photos to the article will have to submit them under a CC-by-sa (collaborative) license, which implies, as for all your collaborative contributions to the Camptocamp guidebook, a possible commercial use of the photos: we invite you to read carefully the details of this license by clicking on the link. In particular, Camptocamp-Association may use these photos for a possible 2023 calendar or any other communication media. In this case, you may be asked to provide us with a better quality photo, if possible.

  • The photos must be unframed and without writing added during processing.
  • Photos must be of a resolution and format that is compatible with full-screen quality viewing on a PC.
  • Photos already submitted to the Sophie Photo Contests 2009 to 2021 will not be accepted. (but there is no constraint on the date of shooting)
  • The title of the photos must contain the string [Concours Photo Sophie 2022] Photo title.

All photos that do not meet the above conditions will be automatically disqualified, without prior warning or communication.

The opening date of the competition is September 19, 2022 at 0:00.
The closing date for entries is 21 October 2022 at 11pm.

After this date, including after the end of the competition, it will no longer be possible to request the withdrawal of a participating photo.

How to participate?

Choose your best mountain photos (up to 3) and link them to this article.

  • If the photo is not already on Camptocamp
    Upload the photo to for the contest by clicking on the 2nd grey button with a green + "add images" at the top right of this page.
    Remember to title the image as [Concours Photo Sophie 2022] Title.
add images button
add images button

- If the photo has already been published in the Camptocamp guidebook
If the photo is already registered on, you just have to modify the photo document and associate it to this article (click on the photo to view it in full screen, then click on the square/pencil button "image editing" at the top right of the photo, then unfold the "Associations" field and enter the article ID (1463470) in the dedicated field). Remember to check that the license is collaborative (cc-by-sa). Also remember to check that your image has a title and add [Concours Photo Sophie 2022] to it.

Bouton édition d'image
Bouton édition d'image
Champs d'associations
Champs d'associations

- Remarks
If it is relevant, do not hesitate to also associate your photo with a summit, a route, an outing, etc... You will then be able to compete in the category of the Topoguide Prize which will give rise to a special prize awarded by the jury for the best photo associated with a document in the Camptocamp topoguide.

Please note that you may only upload a photo once: duplicates will be deleted by the moderation .
If you wish to move a photo, ask the moderation (MP to @Modo_Topo_FR_contact, but do not upload it more than once.)

Photo evaluation, jury and prizes

As the photos from the competition are associated with this article, they will appear on the Sophie's Photo Contest page. Photos from previous editions can also be found there.


The jury is formed by a team of members of Camptocamp-Association and contributors of the site.
The jury verifies (with the assistance of robots and members of the competition organisation) that the rules have been respected by each of the contributors whose photos have been selected, and reserves the right to exclude the contributor's photos if they do not respect the rules.


There will be 4 prizes awarded by the jury:

  • one for the best photo in the Landscape category
  • one for the best photo in the Action category
  • one for the best photo in the category Wildlife/Flora/Inclassifiable
  • one for the best photo in the Topoguide category

There will be 1 prize awarded by the public:

  • The Public Prize will be awarded following polls on the forums, with a choice from the finalist photos selected by the jury in each category.
    The results of these polls have no bearing on the jury's awarding of prizes.

Definition of the categories

  • Landscape: photo of an environment of Camptocamp's activities without a moving and dominant main subject
  • Action: photo where the main subject is a character in activity within the framework of Camptocamp's activities
  • Fauna/flora/unclassifiable: representing mountain fauna or flora, or other image not falling into the previous categories but still related to Camptocamp activities
  • Topoguide: photo already published on in an outing, a topo, an article,...

The photos submitted to the competition are assigned to the categories by the organisation and/or the jury.


Link to the competition photo gallery