[c2c Management] Account anonymization or deletion

Activités :
Catégories : info site
Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)


After your request for account anonymisation or deletion, the moderation will send you the following mail detailing the different options :

Dear user,
You have expressed your wish to anonymize or delete your account. According to the licences used on Camptocamp, a simple deletion of your account's content is generally not possible.
Nevertheless, you have different options :

Option 1
Your issue : you are using your real name in your personal and collaborative contributions to the topoguide. You want to replace your name by a non identifiable pseudonym.

Proposed solution 1 :
You change your topoguide pseudonym by using : https://www.camptocamp.org/account
This modification will apply retroactively to all topoguide documents you have created or to which you have contributed.

Option 2
Your issue : you fear the replacement of your topoguide pseudonym by a non-identifiable pseudonym will not be sufficient to be anonymous for futures contributions to the topoguide.

Proposed solution 2 :
You create a new account with an anonymous pseudonym for new contributions, without any link with the old account, and you pay attention not to communicate any personal element in your documents (outings, photos, messages in the forum).

Option 3
Your issue : you are using your real name as your pseudonym in the forum. You wish to replace your name by a undentifiable pseudonym so that your name no longer appears on all your posts, both those to come and those already published.

Proposed solution 3 :
You change your pseudonym for the forum by using : https://www.camptocamp.org/account
This modification will apply retroactively to all your posts. Your old messages will appear with your new forum pseudonym. Nevertheless, it is important to notice that the quotes of your old messages will appear with your old pseudonym.

Option 4
Your issue : none of the previous solutions satisfy you and you want to delete your account.

Proposed solution 4 :
The account deletion is done by merging it with an account gathering all the contents of deleted accounts. This account is anonymous. The content remains however under a Creative Commons license under which anyone, including Camptocamp-Association, can continue to use the content. The merge with the anonymous account is possible only for the topoguide part.
For the forum part, an anonymisation is done : the pseudonym, the nickname and mail adress are anonymized (replaced by a dummy value).
Be careful, this is not a trivial solution !

Consequences :
4.1 The merge with the closed account is irreversible
4.2 All your contributions to the topoguide will display the [Compte fermé] as author.
4.3 Your account's page will be deleted.
4.4 Your contributions to the topoguide will not disappear, but will be drown into other contributions of the anonymous account. They will thus not be identifiable as coming from a particular account.
4.5 Your posts on the forum will not disappear, but the author will be a dummy pseudonym.

Please let us know which option(s) you have chosen, and if you need help with the first proposed solutions.

If you choose option 4, it is necessary to send us by mail (topo-fr@camptocamp.org) the message below duly completed.

The number of your account is the one appearing in the web address of your topoguide profile (menu top right of the page > My profile) : https://www.camptocamp.org/profiles/[account_number]/fr

After sending your mail, you can change your mind within 7 days. After this delay, your account will be deleted (but the deletion can be effectively done a few days later).

I, the undersigned, Last Name First Name, living in xxxxx, want to merge my account [account number] with the anonymous account [Compte fermé]. I agree with the fact that :

  • The content of my account will then be anonymous and their original paternity will not be traceable anymore.
  • The contents of the topoguide part of my account are then mixed and molten within all topoguide contents of the anonymous account and the overall can not be reconstructed.
  • The messages posted to the forum under the identity of my account will then be stored and displayed under an anonymous identity.
  • Camptocamp-Association, as content host and using the Creative Commons licences, will wisely manage the contents of my account.

Userguide to merge 2 topoguide accounts

access limited to topoguide moderators

Discussion on this rule

access limited to topoguide moderators