Petzl Technical Documentation Procedure

Activités :
Catégories : association
Type d'article : individuel (CC by-nc-nd)
Contributeur : DT1

* Read the technical notice before viewing the following techniques.
* It is important to fully understand the information provided in the technical notice before using this complementary information.
* Mastering these techniques requires training.
* Consult a professional before attempting to perform these techniques on your own.

* Read the technical notice before viewing the following techniques.
* It is important to fully understand the information provided in the technical notice before using this complementary information.
* Mastering these techniques requires training.
* Consult a professional before attempting to perform these techniques on your own.

Author and source

This Petzl technical documentation is shared on in partnership with the Petzl Foundation. Petzl Foundation aims to conduct educational and risk prevention actions related to the practice of vertical activities. This documentation is available under the Creative Commons CC-by-nc-nd licence.

Auteur : Petzl
Source :

Version : xxx