Kleinmölbing : SE, from Liezener HuetteSunday 9 March 2014

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Sun, no wind, warm


The ridge to the summit has been blown by the wind, so there's very little snow there, but enough to go up. On the south face to go down, lots of snow, and in perfect spring conditions.

Going down through the Hochtor was a bit tricky, as we had to fight with the bushes and trees. Had to take the skis off for a few meters.

The forest track going down still has lots of snow until around 1200, with a few streams to cross on foot. After that, there are long patches of snow until around 950m, but with big areas without. So lots of putting on/off of skis.

Lieu / altitude / orientationNeige meubleÉpaisseur totaleCommentaire
>1600Lots of snow, hard in the morning, soft in the afternoon
>1300Enough to ski, but some rocks
>950Only on shady parts of the forest tracks


We walked all the way to the Liezen train station, as there's no bus on Sundays, about 1h from Weissenbach.

Commentaires personnels

Perfect conditions