Hoher Dachstein : N, Hallstätter GletscherSaturday 27 February 2016
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Cable car up to Krippenstein, down to Gjaid Alm, W of Schöberl, and up to the ski depot.
Didn't climb the last part (after the ski depot) as it was crowded (~20 people climbing) and getting late.
Down to the Oberer-eissee, back up to Simonyhütte and down to Wiesberghaus
Sun then clouds in the evening, wind from the S getting stronger as the day went by
Powder below 2000m, above everything blown by the wind, so mix of hard ice/snow and hardened powder.
Didn't see any crevasses along the way.
11:00 Krippenstein
15:30 Ski depot (~2910m)
16:30 Simonyhütte
17:00 Wiesberghaus
Train to Obertraun, then bus to the start of the Obertraun cable car. Cable car to the top of Krippenstein.
Simonyhütte was full, so I went to Wiesberghaus. The people there are very friendly and the food is good. Just careful of the Labrador trying to steal from the plates...
Commentaires personnels
Very nice landscape, but very long. Lots of ups and down that make it quite tiring, probably nicer to come hiking in summer than for skiing.
Didn't climb to the summit, as the climb route was already crowded, with lots of snow/ice falling from the people at the top...
The snow looked nice in the morning, but sadly the wind blew it away...