Hintere Jamspitz : from Jamtalhuette and down to GaltürMonday 11 April 2016
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Day 3 (and last) of a tour: day 1 day 2
From Jamtalhuette, I went straigt up (S/SE) on the slopes head to the left (E) of Rosskopf, to avoid having to go down along the bottom of the valley where everyone was.
But that wasn't such a good idea, as it meant a long traverse and a few ups and downs to cross the various ridges and moraines... The tracks that I were following were turning to the left (E) up to the summits on the side.
Joined the glacier (and main track) around 2750m.
Took off the skis 10m before the summit, but was possible to go all the way up (not as many rocks as it looked like from below)
Went down more in the middle, climbed back up (20m) to Jamtalhuette, and all the way down to Galtür.
The snow from the previous days had melted, so we had to take off the skis around 1830m (Scheiben Alm), and walked all the way down to Galtür
Sun, hot in afternoon
Good hard snow in the morning, soft in the afternoon.
Almost no snow left below Scheiben Alm. Some people stayed on the right bank of the river, and they managed to ski a bit longer.
Lots of big spring avalanches crossing the road between Jamtalhuette and Scheiben Alm, probably the day before.
Bus from Galtuer to Landeck and train
Hut feels more like a hotel, but the soup + bread for lunch is included :)
They use a small grooming machine to pack the snow along the flat road, which mad a nice difference to go down on the soft afternoon snow...