Camptocamp manages, a multi-national, 7-languages, platform containing:
The biggest mountain sports information database
15.000 summits described and localized
27.000 mountain routes
245.000 images
The biggest community of mountain sports lovers
37.000 members
118.000 outings reported
247.000 discussions on line
1.900.000 messages exchanged
For this purpose, Camptocamp-Association provides the community website ** ** (often called c2c).
The development of such a website is hard work, both in technical and management terms. The site is constantly evolving (you can read more on its history here) to adapt to the changing wishes of its users.
Camptocamp-Association needs you!
Join the volunteers who manage content, provide maintenance and develop!
Share your skills
- to enrich the content of the site,
- to help with moderation of the guidebook, the forums or articles,
- to contribute to developing the site's functionalities in collaboration with the team of developers,
- to help manage the association (administration, fund raising, participation in projects and partnerships...)
For more information, check out the following articles:
Take part in the decisions
Joining Camptocamp-Association is a gesture of commitment and support to the site! For the association to be representative of its users, it is important that a large number of you join the association and get involved.
Joining also means directly contributing to decisions concerning the future of the website.
Support the association
Maintaining the site has a significant cost (bandwidth, servers) and financial support is welcome! You can consider offering financial support through a donation (link below in the page footer) or by joining Camptocamp-Association (either through a normal or supportive membership).
Camptocamp-Association in detail
Its main principles
The goal of Camptocamp-Association is to promote the exchange of information between all who practice mountain sports. In continuation of the efforts initiated by the co-founders of the community sites and, the association adopts the following principles:
- community spirit. It can be developed at different levels: in the sites themselves, within the association, in its governance, etc..
- sustainable development. This principle can be developed at different levels: impact of informations disseminated by Camptocamp-Association on the mountain environment, use of open-source software, promotion of actions to the benefit of sustainable development, and respect and safeguarding of the mountain environment, etc...
- use of open technologies and open content for the platform on which is run, using licenses of the Free Software Foundation.
- independence.
- editorial neutrality of the association.
Its operation
To learn more about the association operation you can read through the following articles:
- Statutes
- Policies and procedures
- History of the camptocamp community sites
- Credits, to learn who are the volunteers who contribute to running the site.