How can I propose an article?
The management of articles is based on collaborative editing. The articles can thus be directly edited by the community, unless protected by the moderators.
The articles may be encyclopaedic, offering additional information to that of the guidebook such as a detailed geology of a massif, an overview of a set of summits or crags, or describing techniques and gear for an activity. The articles can also present trip reports, expeditions or personal fictions and stories.
Announcements for events must be done in the appropriate forums.
How to use "wiki" tools?
You will mainly use the 4 tabs located on the top left of each document:
- the "View" tab allows you to visualize the document;
- the "Edit" tab allows you to modify the document;
- the "Versions" tab gives access to previous document versions and links to the differences between different versions;
- the "Comments" tab allows you to add a comment to the document or to discuss the opportunity of some modifications.
In addition, you can follow the last editions, filtered by type of document or for all documents together, using rss feeds: the RSS: last editions link in the left menu.
What are the different types of article?
There are two types of articles:
- Collaborative articles: They can be modified by any registred user of This is especially useful for encyclopaedic articles that can become richer and more complete, as happens in the Wikipedia encyclopaedia.
- Personal articles: They can only be modified by their author. Use this for your personal account of an event or experience, or to share a story (there is a corresponding category - see below).
What are the available categories?
- encyclopedia: articles with broad and permanent information about mountains
- stories: Real or fiction stories and reports
- edito: other articles (current events...)
- website info: article on the website
- association: article on Camptocamp Association, the organization that manages the website
Can I insert pictures?
Yes, you can! See [[articles/107005/en]] for example.
It is possible to insert pictures, see e.g. [[articles/108356/fr]] or [[articles/107005/fr]].
Only pictures associated to a document can be inserted into it. Moreover, only collaborative pictures can be inserted in collaborative documents (route, collaborative article...). The picture's type is not important for personal documents.
Thus, the picture must be present in the album first.
To do this, a link named Add pictures is available at the bottom of the document's page. If the picture is already available in the album because associated to another document (summit, route, outing...), do not upload the picture again, but insteadassociate the existing picture to the document through the tool in the Associated documents section at the bottom of the picture page.
To insert new images to a new article, you thus need 3 steps:
- create the document without pictures,
- add pictures to the document,
- modify the document to insert pictures in the text.
Once a picture is available in the album, copy the Code for inserting a picture in the guidebook available in the picture's page to insert it in the text of a document. A thumbnail of at most 250 pixels wide will be displayed, with a link to display the picture on a dark background with a 800 pixels width.
It is possible to specify the position of the picture in the text. The following patterns are valid:
[img]123123123_123123123.jpg[/img] => picture without legend, placed right by default.
[img=123123123_123123123.jpg]legend[/img] => picture with legend, placed right by default.
[img=123123123_123123123.jpg|position]legend[/img] => picture placed based on the attribute given after the pipe |:
- right: picture right, text left
- left: picture left, text right
- center: picture centered, no wrapping text (neither left nor right)
- inline: picture in-line
To display several centered pictures on the same line, use paragraph formatting:
[img=123123123_123123123.jpg|inline]Image 1[/img]
[img=123123123_456123654.jpg|inline]Image 2[/img]
[img=123123123_845135513.jpg|inline]Image 3[/img]
As you can notice on this example, it is best to add a line after the image tag: the line return is removed at display and editing is more clear. If you still want a line return displayed, add a second line return or a space after the picture tag.
Beware, add a [p] at the end of the previous paragraph if you want to start a new paragraph below an image inserted with the right or left attribute.
How can I format text?
In all guidebook documents, including articles, you can use tags similar to the BBcode tags used in the forum.
Briefly, buttons allow you to easily insert these tags around the selected text. The tags work on all multiline fields. In the following examples, spaces have been inserted inside the tags to neutralize them. Remove them so as to parse them correctly.
bold text : bold text
italic text : italic text
[u ] underlined text : underlined text
For more detailed explanations of the text formatting and layouting, read this article.
How can I insert links?
- Forum or external link (url button)
Link text: Link text - Internal link to guidebook documents (wl button)
A syntax similar to wikilinks (double brackets) is used.
Unlike Wikipedia, you cannot create an article by using a link inside a page: you have to use the "Articles > Add" menu.
[ [ name of document ] ]: Creates a link to the search results for the specified name. If a single result is found, you are redirected to that document (e.g. [[Aiguille de Scolette]]). Avoid this, unless you want to give a link to a list of documents, because by providing the name of a summit, you will also retrieve all associated outings. Unique documents are few.
[ [ document id | link title ] ]: Creates a link to a specific document by providing its id.
You can add some information, allowing a faster access:
[ [ summits/document id | link title ] ]: link to a summit
[ [ routes/document id | link title ] ]: link to a route
[ [ articles/document id | link title ] ]: link to an article
The principle is the same for other documents.
You can add the document's language:
[ [ articles/document id/en | link title ] ]: link to the english version of an article.
If the language is not given, it is automatically chosen based on the available translations and user preferences. Favour such links as specifying the language is useful only in a few cases.
Most of the time, you will simply copy part of the address of a document, on the model "type/id".