LAGUNTZA : Topogida - Ibilbideak eremuaren gehitu

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Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)

Materiale espezifikoa

Eremu honetan, ohizko materialaz gain hartu beharreko material berezia adierazi daiteke. Ohizko materiala ez da aipatu behar, adibidez:

  • eskia, surf edo raketen kasuan: ARVA, pala, sonda
  • elur, izotz edo mixtoan: kranpoiak, piolet
  • glaziarreko ibilbidean: glaziarreko materiala.
  • partially bolted climbing: nuts and slings without further explanation.

For further information, read the "Backpack content" articles, for which a link is provided below the text area. When displaying the route, those links are automatically added in the "Gear" field, and followed by the text mentioned here.


Erliebearen itxurak ibilbidean zehar edo zailtasuneen inguruan mendiak duen itxura adierazten du:

  • arista : An edge is characterized by a main axis and two sides. Walk-in is generally covered by one of the sides or the edge start.
  • pilarea : A spur or pillar clearly untied from a face. Generally presents a rock climbing, but also ice and mixed climbing. The term pillar is reserved to rock.
  • aurpegia : A face corresponds to a "plane" face where spurs, corridors or gullies are mixed.
  • korridorea : A corridor corresponds to a talweg. It is generally bounded with rocks in the form of pillars or spurs.
  • gully : A gully is a straight corridor (starting at 70°) and narrow (a few meters width). A gully often presents ice or mixed climbing.
  • glaziarra : A mountain and glacier route mainly takes place on glaciers and the terrain morphology is not caracteristic. Those are classic glacier routes, glacier walkings or some mountain routes where there is no distinguishable configuration (e.g. Mont Blanc traversal). The 'Requires glacier gear' field also must be filled if the glacier has got crevasses.

Zailtasunaren altuera

Altitude of the base of the route, for an itinerary with a clear distinction between an approach and a route proper. This field should not be used for itineraries where an approach and a route cannot be distinguished.

gerturatzeko desnibela

Combined elevation of the approach of a route, for a route where approach is distinguished from the route itself. The approach height is calculated from minimum altitude and altitude where difficulties start.

ibilaldi, trail eta mendiko bizikleta arriskua

Grading of exposure of hiking and mountain bike. The exposure grade does not take into account objective hazards ( fall) but only the consequences of a the hiker/biker falling.

  • E1 : Fall is possible but with very limited impact for a hiker. For a biker the injurry will be essentially related to the speed.
  • E2 : The risk of injury is increased by obstacles or a steep slope.
  • E3 : In case of a fall, very serious or deadly injuries.
  • E4 : In case of a fall, death is certain.

Eski kotazio zehatza

Labanda eski zailtasun puntuala, globalaren gehigarria da. Honek, jeitsierako zati zailena akotatzen du. Normalean, maldari loturik izaten da, nahiz eta espozizioa ere kontutan hartzen duen.

  • S1 : Easy descent which does not require any particular technical abilities such as forest tracks for example.
  • S2 : Wide slopes which are easy to manoeuvre, maybe fairly steep (25°).
  • S3 : Slopes up to 35° (equivalent to the steepest runs in ski resorts, on hard snow). Requires good skiing abilities in all snow conditions.
  • S4 : Slopes up to 45°, if exposure is low (between 30 and 40° if it is high or the passage is narrow). Very good skiing abilities are required.
  • S5 : Slopes between 45 and 50° or more if exposure remains low. From 40° upwards if exposure is high. As well as a perfect downhill skiing technique, control of nerves becomes very important at this level of difficulty.
  • S6 : Above 50° if exposure is high (which is often the case) or short stretches above 55° with little exposure.
  • S7 : Stretches at 60° or more, high rock bands to jump or more generally very steep or exposed terrain.

See also the help about grades for ski-touring and ski-mountaineering.


Ibilbidearen norabide nagusia edo zailtasunena soilik.
Informazio gehigarriak gehitu daitezke beste kampuetan Remarques.

ibilbide mota

  • return trip / abseil down : up and down (mostly) on the same itinerary (or abseil down), from a unique access point (allows gear to be left at the base of the route).
  • **loop ** : a loop that brings you back to the start of the route by a different route than that used on the way up. Allows bivi gear to be left at the bivi. Skiing a couloir on-sight but then going back down the same valley qualifies as a loop.
  • trabesia : traverse between 2 distinct points (such as stages in a multi-day raid). All the gear must be carried on the route.
  • raid/expedition : A raid or an expedition lasts at least 3 days and shall be only made of logical traverses (e.g. from hut to hut).

eski arriskua

Eski jeitsierako esposizioari lotua dago(edur gida).
Esposizioak, erori eskero izan daiteken sauri arriskua adierazten du, maldaz gain: Esposizio txikiko baina malda haundiako toki batek ez du sauri gabeko erorketarik suposatzen.

  • E1 : Exposure is limited to that of the slope itself. Getting hurt is still likely if the slope is steep and/or the snow is hard.
  • E2 : As well as the slope itself, there are some obstacles (such as rock outcrops) which could aggravate injury.
  • E3 : In case of a fall, death is very likely.
  • E4 : In case of a fall, the skier faces certain death.

See also the help about grades for ski-touring and ski-mountaineering.