Content licenses

Activités :
Catégories : association, info site
Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)

Which license for which document?

Type and nature of the content

Type of the content

The content may be of 3 types:

  • collaborative content of the guidebook
  • personal content of the guidebook
  • personal content of the forums

The content of the guidebook is organized into various documents : areas, maps, summits, routes, huts, access points, climbing sites, books, local products, articles, imagespictures, user profiles, outings, incident/accident reports.

On top of that, we define 2 types of documents:

Collaborative documents

areas, maps, summits, routes, huts, access points, climbing sites, books, local products, collaborative articles, collaborative pictures

Personal documents

user profiles, personal articles, personal pictures, outings, incident/accident reports

Nature of the content

The content can be of 3 natures:

  • text
  • picture
  • geographical information: coordinates of a point, line or surface

Collaborative content of the guidebook

  • The collaborative content of the guidebook is:
  • the text of area and map documents,
  • the text and the geographical coordinates of the summit, route, hut, access point, climbing site, book, collaborative article (mainly encyclopaedic articles) documents,
  • The picture, the text and the geographical coordinates of the picture documents that a user wants to share widely (collaboratives pictures).
  • The author of the collaborative work is Camptocamp-Association.
  • The collaborative content text and picture is under a CC-by-sa license.
  • The collaborative content geographical coordinates is both under a CC-by-sa license and a Open Database Licence.

Personal content of the guidebook

  • The personal content of the guidebook is:
  • the text and the geographical coordinates of the user profile, personal article, outing, incident/accident report documents,
  • the picture, the text and the geographical coordinates of the picture documents posted under this personal content status (personal pictures).
  • The author is the user.

The personal content text, picture and geographical coordinates is under a CC-by-nc-nd license.

Personal content of the forums

  • The messages posted in the forums are under copyright.
  • The assignee is the author of the message.

Source code of the website

The website source code is under a AGPL v3 license.

Description of the Creative Commons licenses

The CC-by-sa and CC-by-nc-nd licenses, like all Creative Commons licenses, authorize the private and public copy, under the conditions below. Even the most restricted CC license is thus more free than copyright.
As for copyright, each of the restrictions can be removed on an individual case basis by the author.

Creative Commons by-sa

The details of the license are available on the Creative Commons - by-sa website.

Your are free:

  • to reproduce, distribute and transmit the work,
  • to adapt the work,

Under the following conditions:

  • by = Attribution: you must cite the name of the original author and provide a link to the original work.
  • sa = Share Alike: If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

Creative Commons by-nc-nd

The details of the license are available on the Creative Commons - by-nc-nd website.

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit the work under the following conditions:

  • by = Attribution: you must cite the name of the original author and provide a link to the original work.
  • nc = Noncommercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • nd = No Derivative Works: You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work (thus only copy is authorized).

Modification and removal of personal content

A personal content cannot be modified by a user which is not the author of the content. However moderators can modify or remove a perosnal content.
Warning: the copies of a content under a CC license made before the removal of the content on remain legal after the removal, and can be themselves copied.

Currently, the author of a personal document cannot remove the document by himself: he needs to asks the moderators to remove it by using the "Report problem" link in the left menu of the document's page.

Modification of the licenses

Personal content

The author of a personal content has the right to modify the license that applies to the content as brodcast on in order to make it collaborative.
In concrete terms, it means that a personal document can be transformed into a collaborative document.
For a personal article or a personal picture, it only requires to modify the document and choose the type of it.
For an outing, the type of the document cannot be modified. To circumvent this, one can:

  • either mention in the text that the outing is under a CC-by-sa license,
  • or copy the text in a collaborative article associated to the outing.

The modification of the license of a personal content is irreversible: a collaborative document cannot be transformed into a personal document.

Collaborative content

As author, Camptocamp-Association has the right and reserves the right, when it wishes, to modify temporarily or permanently all or part of the license that applies to the collaborative contents without notice nor compensation. Camptocamp-Association cannot be hold responsible under no circumstances of the possible consequences of such a modification.

For any request of precision for the licenses or removal of one of the above clauses, please refer to:

  • per email:
  • per mail: Camptocamp-Association - 17 avenue Rochambeau - 38000 Grenoble - FRANCE

Answers to some frequently asked questions

Which license applies to my outing?

The outing corresponds to a personal content, you (and the other users associated to the outing) are author of the document. It is under a CC-by-nc-nd license.

Which license applies to my pictures?

Pictures uploaded on a personal document

On a perosnal document, pictures can be saved as personal content or as collaborative content: the choice is given at upload.

Pictures uploaded on a collaborative document

On a collaborative document, pictures can only be saved as collaborative content. Via the association tool, you may nevertheless associate personal picture to collaborative documents. But it is not possible to insert a personal picture in the body of a collaborative document: only collaborative pictures are allowed. You are thus advised against associating personal pictures to collaborative documents.

Personal pictures

By default, you are the author of the pictures that you uploaded as personal content and the pictures are under a CC-by-nc-nd license.
If you are not the author of the shooting, you can modify the picture document to specify the author.
You can change the license of your pictures to make them collaborative:

Collaborative pictures

You are co-author of the pictures that you saved as collabroative content and the pictures are under a CC-by-sa license.
Every user has the right to modify your collaborative pictures, be it the title, description of the picture itself.

To distribute a copy on another website, is the "camptocamp" mention enough?

In order to correctly use the CC licenses, the "camptocamp" mention is not enough.
You need to mention:

  • the name of the author: for a collaborative content, the name of the author for a personal content,
  • the link to the source document,
  • the name of the license,
  • the link to the license description.


You can adapt the following snippets:

<a href="http**:**//"><img src="http**:**//" /></a> <a href="http**:**//**134206/en**"></a>
<a href="http**:**//"><img src="http**:**//" /></a> <a href="http**:**//**outings/177076/en**">Name of the author</a>

[img][/img][/url] [url=][/url]


[img][/img][/url] [url=]Name of the author[/url]

Does the CC license of a copy applies to adjacent texts?

In the case of a copy of a document integrated into a page with other texts, 2 cases arise:

  • The copy is clearly delimited, by the means of a frame or a section: the license applies only to the copy and not to adjacent texts (unless the whole page is under the same license). The mention of the license allows this
  • The copy is inserted into a paragraph, and it is difficult to apprehend the limits: one cannot distinguish the copy from adjacent texts. The whole text is then assumed like the copy, and the license applies to the whole text. Moreover, the copy has been modified: only collaborative documents can be copied this way.

How can I distribute a citation of a document of camptocamp?

Like for all content licenses (copyright, Creative Commons, GFDL, ...), the citation right applies to c2C documents. You can thus cite a few lines of an article, route, outing, forum message, etc, without caring about the restrictions of the document license, but you need to mention the author and provide a link to the source.
In addition to this, licenses apply to the formatting of a content (text or picture), but not to the information itself. The copy of an information is allways authorized (name and elevation of a summit, snow quantity, climbing grade, ...).

May I copy a text or a picture from another website to camptocamp?

2 cases aries:

The licenses are compatible

For example, the geological description of a massif on another website is under a CC-by-sa license, and one wants to copy it into the massif's description on c2c.
In such a case, the copy is immediately possible. One only needs to mention the author and provide a link to the source (if it is on the web). The mention of the license is useless because it will be mentionned again on the bottom of the document in c2c.

The licenses are not compatible

For example, one whishes to copy a text or a picture under copyright or CC-by-nc-nd license to a collaborative document on c2C (CC-by-sa license).
In such a case, one needs to ask the author of the text or picture the authorization to broadcast it under the license that will be used on c2C. The simplest solution is to directly ask the author per email and mention a link to the license use, or to the article that describes the license of c2c contents.

I am the author of guide books, may I use the content of camptocamp?

2 cases arise:

Use of collaborative content

The CC-by-sa license authorizes commercial use. You can thus copy and modify the description of a route, hut, massif, access point, etc.
Under the condition that you mention:

  • the author:
  • a link to the c2c document: a simplified link is enough, e.g.
  • the license: CC-by-sa

The modifications that you make to the text or picture can be copied on c2c.

Use of personal content

The CC-by-nc-nd license does not authorize commercial use. You thus have to ask the authorization to the author of the content. The author is mentioned on the personal document, with a link to its profile that allows you to contact him per email.
In the copy that you will broadcast, you can mention at your disposal a copyright to the name of the author, or the CC-by-nc-nd license. The author of the document can also choose to broadcast it under another license (e.g. under a CC-by-nd or CC-by-sa license).
In all case, mention a link to the original document.