HELP: Forum

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Catégories : info site
Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)

Is the identification compulsory? Why identify?

The forums are accessible without registration and without identification for consultation as well as for active participation (adding messages).
Nevertheless, an identification is possible, providing access to additional functions.
When you are not logged in, you are considered to be a "guest".

When you are logged in, you have access to:

  • A quick answer at the bottom of the discussion,
  • The ability to initiate or answer to a survey,
  • The tracking of the new posts since your last visit,
  • A personal article allowing to present yourself (this is not a blog)
  • A mailbox for private messages (PM)
  • The personal configuration of the forum. In the menu: Forum > User Profile

These functions are described below.

About nicknames: can they be changed? Can two contributors have the same nickname?

By default, the nickname is the c2c login account, but it is editable in the personal preferences.
You can choose to appear under your real name in the guidebook, and under your nickname in the forum. But the link between both names will always be available through your profile.
On the other side, search engines like Google have no access to your profile: currently only identified members can access it.

After changing your nickname, messages you have posted before retain your old nickname. It is therefore possible to frequently change your nickname while being identified, but the link between nicknames can still be done through the list of your messages, available from your profile to all identified members.

When changing your nickname, chances are it is rejected! Indeed, a guest or a member cannot use the name of a registered member (even if he is not connected at this time). On the opposite, two different guests may have the same nickname if that one is not restricted by an identified member: nothing is guaranteed when you are not registered.
Note that often a nickname is used only by the login accounts from the previous versions of The member with this account maybe used another nickname on the forums of the previous versions, and may not be opposed to changing its nickname. So you can ask moderators to give you the account with the nickname if it is the one you used to choose when posting on the previous versions. You can then contact the member by email (link available in his profile) to negotiate a change of nickname.

Is a charter applicable? Are the forums moderated?

The participation to the forums is regulated by a charter, which the moderators use when intervening.
Moderators can edit, delete or move a message or discussion.
Remarks on moderation (request for moderation or explanation) must be reported by clicking on "Report" at the foot of the concerned post.

How is the forum structured?

The forums are organized by categories. A language is assigned to each category. So by default, only the categories in the language of the user are visible in the forums (Forums menu).
The list of all categories for all languages is visible on this page.
Non French-speaking forums are not divided in as many categories as the French-speaking ones. According to the activity, cataegories or new forums may be added.

On the forums home page, categories can be (un)folded by clicking on the [+] or [-] buttons on the left of the category name.
By clicking on the name of a forum (first column), you will access the list of discussions in this forum.
In the last column, you will find a direct link to the last message posted on the forum.

In a discussion list of a forum, you can go to the beginning of the discussion (link on the title of the discussion), the last post (link in the last column), or the last unread messages (link "New Messages" available only to identified members).
The list of discussion is divided into pages. Identified members can configure the number of discussions displayed in each page in their profile.

Which views are available to read the discussions?

Discussions are visible only with a flat view, as opposed to a tree view, which is no longer available. A discussion is divided into pages of 20 messages. Identified members can configure the number of messages per page in their profile.

Can I contact the author of a post?

When identified
  • If the author is identified, you can contact him through email ("Email" link), or through private message ("PM" link). Moreover, you can access its profile by clicking it name
  • If the author is a guest, you can use the email he may have provided.
As guest
  • If the author is identified, you can contact him per email.
  • If the author is a guest, you canoot contact him. If he provided an email, a grayed "Email" link is displayed, which you can activate only if you register.

The forums use an ati-spam tool: you can enter your real email address without the fear of malicious bots.

Can I follow unread messages?

Identified members have access to the list of discussions with at least one unread message: list of unread messages.

To avoid being overwhelmed, it is possible to mark forums as read, one after the other or all of a sudden:
- Link "Mark this forum as read" in the footer of a forum,
- Link "Mark all discussions read" in the footer of the forums.

How to create a discussion?

To create a discussion, click on "New discussion" at the top or bottom of the list in a forum.
Identified members can also create polls.

How do I post a message?

"Quick" answer (for identified contributors only)

When identified, a quick reply box is available at the bottom of a discussion.

"Long" answer (for guests and identified contributors)

To post a message without quoting, click "Write a reply" at the top or bottom of the discussion.
This link "Write a reply" also exists at the bottom of each message: it allows you to automatically quote the message in your reply.
The answer page contains a text area and the last 25 replies.
To post, guests must pass a captcha test and click on the black square in the image.

How to insert a URL in a message, or layout my text?

It is possible to introduce some formatting elements (links, bold, underlined, images ...) in messages posted on the forum. You can verify the formatting before publishing your message by using the "Preview" button.

To write simple links, simply copye the complete URL (do not forget the http:// prefix).

To quote a message, select the text, then click on "Cite the selected text." The text is copied in the answer, with quotation tags containing the name of the author. Multiple citations are possible.

In addition, it is possible to easily copy the name of an author to the reply area by clicking on "Copy nickname". Useful to discuss with a person with a complicated nickname without offensing him with typographical errors :-).

How to share a picture available on my hard drive?

Use an image publishing service such as then copy the "IMG code" to insert it into the message.
Picture of the album can also be inserted by using the code provided in the picture page.
The album should not be used to upload pitures without any connection to mountain activities or pictures that illustrate classified advertisement (gear sale, ...).

Can I insert aa Avatar and a signature? Can I hide those?

When identified, you can display an avatar (small picture below the alias) and / or a signature at the bottom of your messages. This is configured in your profile. The maximal dimension is as follows: 100px width, 70px height and 22000 bytes.

You can also configure the display of the avatars and signatures of other members to make them (in)visible.

How to search for old messages?

It is possible to find a message in the forum thanks to the search engine.
The keyword search is possible on the title of the discussion and / or the message.
However the author search is done only on messages posted by identified memebers. Note that messages posted in the previous versions of are all guest messages, the author search is not possible on these messages.
A simplified search engine is also available from the top of all pages: choose "forums" then enter keywords which will be seeked in the titles of all forum discussions.