HELP: Album

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Catégories : info site
Type d'article : collaboratif (CC by-sa)

How to upload a picture to the album

First of all, you need to be logged in on Second, you can't add orphan pictures. You have to upload them from an existing document.

The upload interface has been simplified: to add pictures you only have to go to the page of the document you want to associate pictures to (e.g. your latest outing), then click on Add pictures at the bottom of the page. A form then allows to upload one or more pictures, including their names and category.

Note that there are technical restriction to pictures:

  • The minimal size is 300x300 pixels, the maximal one 2000x2000 pixels;
  • The weight of the picture is at most 2MB.

Once the pictures are uploaded, you can give additional information (description, category, author of the picture if it is not the one who uploaded it, date and location...) by editing the picture's page (from a thumbnail, click on the picto displayed when hovering the thumbnail, not the thumbnail itself). The picture's page also offers a tool for associating the picture to other documents if relevant (route, summit, profile...).

How to associate a picture to an article, an outing, a route, etc

You can associate your pictures to your outings, but also to any other document of the guidebook. This can be done directly from the document's page, or at any later time.

For this, go the picture's page and look for the "Associated documents" section. Select the type of document you want to associate your picture to and use the text field to search for the right document. Once you've found it, select it and click on the "Associate" button.

How to geolocalize your pictures

In order to correctly display your pictures on the interactive maps of the website, you have to either edit the geographical coordinates of the picture document, or you can do it automatically before the upload on

You will need a GPS device able to store a track of your outing, i.e. it will regularly store you position (e.g. every x seconds or meters). Then, you need to get these track files by connecting your device to your computer. This is often a GPX-formatted file. In this file, one can find coordinates (longitude, latitude, elevation) and time-stamps.

It's a miracle: modern cameras also store the shooting time! It is thus possible to correlate the shooting time with the position stored in the GPS device (you will possibly make some interpolation to enhance the positioning quality).

Of course, there are software that will do this work for you!
Under Linux, you could e.g. use gpscorrelate which benefits from a good user interface. (other examples, possibly under Windows of MacOS, would be welcome)

Pinet hut
Pinet hut

Example on this picture's page.[p]

How to insert a picture in the forums

To insert a picture in the forums, it is recommended you do not use the guidebook to upload it to the web unless they are relevant to a particular guidebook document (outing, route...). Instead, use a hosting site such as to insert pictures in the forums. These sites generally provide the necessary tags for copy-pasting the links into the forum.