Terms of use
Camptocamp.org is a site for sharing information. It is your contributions that gradually build up this shared database.
This article describes the rights and duties of users of the camptocamp.org site. Potential contributors to the site will be interested to read Chapter 3 - Contributions to the site, intellectual property and copyright.
- Chapter 1 - Limitation of liability
- Chapter 2 - Warranty disclaimer
- Chapter 3 - Intellectual property and copyright
- Chapter 4 - Closure or suspension of the website
- Chapter 5 - Hypertext links
- Chapter 6 - Conditions arising from the website's interactivity
- Chapter 7 - Settlement of disputes and applicable law
- Chapitre 8 - Protection of personal data
- Chapitre 9 - Anonymization or suppression of account
- Chapitre 10 - Annexed documents
Chapter 1 - Limitation of liability
Camptocamp-Association provides the community of users with the Camptocamp website camptocamp.org in order to enhance the exchange of information between people practising mountain sports. Camptocamp-Association therefore stands as a hosting provider of the information exchange platform camptocamp.org. Camptocamp-Association is neither owner nor publisher of the hosted contents, subject to rare exceptions that are clearly identifiable as such.
1.1 Loss of data and other damages liability disclaimer
Subject to the legal provisions applicable, Camptocamp-Association shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, including, without limitation, loss of profit, customers or data, arising from the use or failure to use the C2C website, and more generally for any event in connection with the website and/or any other website.
In particular, any content downloaded from and/or obtained in any way by the use of the website is at the user's own risks. Camptocamp-Association shall not be liable for any damage or data loss suffered by your computer.
1.2 Responsibility for the practice of a mountain activity
The practice of mountain sports and activities requires a perfect knowledge and field experience, also implying the acceptance of a certain degree of risk matching one's physical and technical skills and experience. Camptocamp-Association recommends users the greatest caution in interpreting and using online data provided by the community on the website.
Camptocamp-Association assumes no guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information directly supplied (route descriptions and conditions, forum comments, practical and medical advice…) on this website. Such non-binding information shall in no way make Camptocamp-Association or the content authors to be held liable.
Moreover, the information provided on the website is no substitute for the advice or recommendations of a qualified professional when making decisions undertaken on the ground. Camptocamp-Association disclaims any liability should incidents or accidents of any kind arise from the use or interpretation of contents provided on the website.
Chapter 2 - Warranty disclaimer
The website is provided "as is", accessible when available, without any warranty from Camptocamp-Association.
Camptocamp-Association in particular does not guarantee that:
- the website, the contents and products offered will entirely fit your expectations,
- the website will function continuously and without failures,
- failures will be corrected.
No advice and no information which the user may obtain either verbally or in writing from Camptocamp-Association, as well as through the website, may induce any unforeseen warranty.
Chapter 3 - Intellectual property and copyright
Providing contents online on the website requires the prior creation of a user's account.
- Topoguide contributions are governed by the Charte du Contributeur au topoguide (topoguide contribution Charter).
- Forum contributions are governed by the Charte du forum (Charter of the forum).
Contribution to one or another part of the camptocamp.org website implicitely and inevitably means that the user have accepted to abide by both Charters.
A specific article describes the licenses under which the contents are published on camptocamp.org website. Your contributions will therfore also be published under those licenses. It is thus important that you carefully and completely read the article herebefore in order to avoid any bad surprises.
In this respect, the user may notice that requests for content suppression, particularly when dealing with a large number of documents created by such user, are dealt with on a case by case basis and are not automatically accepted. Indeed, as a host provider of contents of interest to a large community of internet users, _Camptocamp-Association_texte en italiques__ must balance an obligation to remove illicit contents when identified as such (the burden of proof relying on the claiming user) with another duty to keep information of public interest published.
The contributor accepts that his/her contents posted online under cc-by-nc-nd licenses may be subject to a series of actions from the moderation team in order to fit the required quality and best readability for topoguide users, as well as he/she accepts moderation of his/her contents posted on the forum.
Chapter 4 - Closure or suspension of the website
Camptocamp-Association reserves the right, whenever it wishes, to modify or suspend all or any part of the website, either temporarily or permanently, without notice or compensation. Camptocamp-Association can in no way be held responsible for the potential consequences of such a modification or suspension.
Chapter 5 - Hypertext links
5.1 Links to the c2c website
Hypertext links to any page of the c2c website (home pages or internal pages) are authorized and even highly encouraged. However, Camptocamp-Association has no control on third party websites and thus does not endorse any liability regarding contents, products, services, information, material, software dispensed by the third party websites that provide hypertext links to the c2c website.
5.2 Links to third party websites
The website owned by Camptocamp-Association may contain links to third party websites. Camptocamp-Association has no control on those websites and thus does not endorse any liability regarding the availability of these websites, their contents, advertising, products and/or services made available on or from these websites. Camptocamp-Association shall in no way be held responsible for direct or indirect damages of any kind that may arise from the access to such third party website or from the use of the services provided by the aforesaid third party website.
Chapter 6 - Conditions arising from the website's interactivity
When adding content (text, picture or other) in one of the interactive sections of the c2c website, the user expressly and gracefully grants Camptocamp-Association the right to distribute (copy, reproduce, adapt) this online content by any means (through any base and any format known or still unknown to date), worldwide and for the duration of the existing or future intellectual property rights.
Camptocamp-Association reserves the discretionary right to publish or not the contributions that are made on the website, reserves the discretionary right to modify, adapt or translate them in any language, to keep them online or remove them at any moment.
The user shall be the sole liable for the contents that he adds to c2c website. In this respect, he guarantees Camptocamp-Association against any appeal and/or action that may arise whatsoever from such diffusion. He notably assumes alone, financially and/or towards the law, all damages incurred from personal rights, privacy rights, human dignity rights and copyrights infringements that may arise from his/her contribution.
As aforesaid, Camptocamp-Association cannot be made liable for user contributions, which in no way constitute an official position of Camptocamp-Association.
Chapter 7 - Settlement of disputes and applicable law
In addition, any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of French courts exclusively.
Chapitre 8 - Protection of personal data
*All personal informations gathered when the user opens an account for registration are necessary to the adequate working of the website. Those collected personal data are :
- the pseudonym chosen by the user on creating his/her account,
- the password defined by the user
- an email adress required to activate the user's account.
They are subject to database processing. The password, particularly, is encrypted and cannot be accessed, nor monitored by the site webmasters. The user's email adress can be accessed by the webmasters but is unaccessible to other users.
Camptocamp-Association use cookies for the proper standard operation of the website. They allow conservation of the user's navigation data in order to grant fluid surfing on the site and give access to certain features reserved to registrated users. Those are used for connection, maintain a session once logged in, as well as to store specific information on the user's activity and interests on the website.
Some users may add on the website some contents containing personal data, through texts and images (see, in this, respect, Camptocamp and the RGPD document).
In accordance with Regulation 2016/679 commonly known as "General Data Protection Regulation" dated May 25th 2018 as well as articles 39 and following of the (modified) "informatique et libertés" (information and personal freedom) law 78-17 dated from January 6th 1978, you are granted the right to access, modify, correct and suppress any personal data on the website. If you wish to exercise these rights and/or access such personal data, please contact us exclusively through the following email address: info@camptocamp.org.*
8.1 Topoguide log-in/Pseudonym on the forum/email address
The user's email adress is never transmitted to third parties by Camptocamp-Association, acting as manager of the Camptocamp websites, except when duly required by a legal authority.
The log-in can be freely chosen by the user, except that it cannnot be identical to the email address.
The choice of a pseudonym, which identifies the user for the community of users of the topoguide or forum, is also left to the user, except that it cannot be identical to the email address and may not correspond to another person's name and surname.
The choice of the forum pseudonym is governed by the same conditions, can be different from the chosen pseudonym for the topoguide or not.
Chapitre 9 - Anonymization or suppression of account
The procedure to be followed by the user in order to anonymize or suppress an account is described in the present section. Three options are offered to anonymize your contributions on the topoguide or on the forum, as well as the process to close your account. In the latter, Camptocamp-Association, as a hosting provider, is bound to enforce the respect of the Creative Commons licenses on which you agreed on adding the contents, and manage your account's contents wisely.
Chapitre 10 - Annexed documents
The following documents are full parts of the present Terms and Conditions of Use : the Charter of the Topoguide contributor (Charte du Contributeur au topoguide), The Charter of the Forum, the document named "Camptocamp and the GDPR" (Camptocamp et le RGPD), the Topoguide Rules (Règles du Topoguide).